Legislative Agenda

Legislative Agenda

Our members set the priorities for the Chamber positions on key legislative issues. Here are our top priorities:


Advocate responsible process improvements, positively influencing cost-drivers ultimately reducing expenses and fully utilizing taxpayer dollars.


Enhancement of the state’s economy through a competitive business climate must be the primary consideration for all state policies.

For a detailed list of 2023 Session outcomes click here.

For a detailed list of 2024 priorities click here.

Advance Tax Reform

• Reducing Minnesota’s individual and corporate income tax rate to get out of top 10 highest in the country.

• Business property tax relief for Minnesota.

• Angel investment tax credit and conforming to the federal estate tax threshold.

Create a 21st Century Workforce

• Remove the barriers in education, training preparedness, misalignment, child care availability, and high tax burdens.

• Require strong alignment between education systems, workforce programs and the needs of employers and the state’s economy. Adapt to changes in the labor market.

• More nimble and responsive workforce system that can provide a shorter-term pathway to certificates or degrees in areas of greatest demand.

• Assess the state’s current workforce initiatives and audit of all state workforce spending, programs, councils and boards to assess performance and return on investment.

Advance A Permitting System That Welcomes Investment While Safeguarding the Environment

• We support sensible environmental regulations that will allow Minnesota to maintain a clean environment and a healthy business climate, while fostering statewide economic benefit and job growth.

• Regulatory systems should be structured and operated so there is a defined process and timeline for completion of environmental review and permits.

• Market-based mechanisms, where appropriate, should be considered when they are both protective of the environment and cost effective for business in a globally competitive market.

Advance Affordability

• Need to ensure that affordability is an asset of Minnesota’s economy

• Work to advance affordability, and find compromise and promising solutions to the affordability factors of our economy, including housing, child care, broadband and energy.


Advocate for strong infrastructure, commonsense regulatory reform and demand driven workforce development and training programs.


• Promote access to affordable, high-quality education, career paths that lead to jobs, and workforce initiatives that create a more equitable talent marketplace and strengthen the American economy.

• Expansion of skilling and reskilling opportunities to help those who are out of work acquire the new jobs that are being created now and in the future.


• Ensure the nation’s long-term economic growth and competitiveness by enacting an infrastructure modernization plan.

Health Care

• Expand access to and improve the affordability of high-quality health care services for all Americans.

Tax Reform

• Promote pro-growth tax policies that preserve America’s global competitiveness and increase businesses’ ability to grow, invest, and create jobs.

Immigration Reform

• Implement commonsense immigration reforms to enhance America’s global competitiveness and encourage economic growth and job creation in the U.S.

Become Engaged

Talk to your legislators -invite them to your facility

• Respond to calls to action/action alerts

• Tell your story-you do not need to be a lobbyist

• Attend Candidate Forums

• Consider running for public office

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